
1. Family Constellations in the Morphogenetic Field of the Family System

During the unfolding of a constellation, the theme that lies on the surface always emerges, even if the client has expressed their request in different terms. As Bert Hellinger says, one looks where the energy is, and that is where the work takes place.

If the client is serving their family system and is entangled in the fate of an ancestor, it will be difficult for them to perceive the theme of the vanished twin as their own. Therefore, the first step is always a constellation.

If, on the other hand, a client has already worked with the family constellation method or other methods and is still not in the vital flow, it is highly likely that a Lone Twin Experience is at the root.

My practical work experience allows me to write:

There are various dynamics regarding the twin experience that affect the Survivor differently in terms of entanglements.

A “Non-Twin,” a Twin in a privileged position in their sac—higher up and in contact with the mother’s body—knows their place in life and always acts from there. They may have interrupted movements toward the mother and/or father. Therefore, they need to resume the movement and return to the flow toward their parents, reconnecting to where their life originates, accepting all experiences, including the traumatic ones of certain family destinies. However, this is not about entanglements: the Survivor is in the “doing,” always proactive and with a “natural trust” in their ability to find solutions in life. Proof of this is that in the constellation, the Non-Twin client always remains in their place as the constellation unfolds.

It is the more “crushed” and burdened Survivor Twin who moves to take the place of the ancestor with whom they are entangled.

2. Family and Systemic Constellation in the Morphogenetic Field of the Twin System of the Mother and/or Father

Here, the client’s entanglement with the parent’s Vanished Twin is observed. For the parent, the client represents an older or younger sibling. Sometimes, it is observed that the client has taken the place of a sibling in the parent’s other amniotic sac.

When a client has assumed the position of the parent’s Vanished Twin, they do not move during the constellation. They remain still, rigid, looking toward life—they see it, but they do not move toward it.

By moving the client behind the parent, it becomes evident that they take on the fusioned position behind them.

In other words, the client does not allow themselves to move forward in their own life; otherwise, the support they provide to the parent would be lost. Indeed, it is observed that the parent falls backward without the client’s support. Only by integrating the parent’s missing twin can the client move out of that position and turn toward their own life.

3. Constellation Facing Life

If the client is a Survivor Twin, they retreat when facing life.

By placing representatives seated behind them, the client moves toward them, sits with them, and takes a deep breath. They feel as though they have come home.

At this point, the distinction between the elder twin and the younger twin begins to emerge. A younger twin, within their hierarchical twin order, immediately recognizes the pull toward their siblings. An elder twin, within their twin order, requires many representatives before feeling part of that group.

Only now are they ready to begin their work beneath the veil.

4. Work Under the Veil with the Help of Cushions and Little Dolls

The client’s intrauterine life is traced from the moment they were left alone in their amniotic sac, moving backward to the beginning when all the siblings were alive in all the sacs that form their Twin System.

During this work, we proceed from the client’s condition of being left alone after the last trauma, observing repeated traumas and various reorganizations, all the way back to the first bond: the mirror twin brother/the mirror twin sister.

This work creates an initial experience of integrity, wholeness, and bliss, which will be remembered by the client and pursued in subsequent sessions, until the completion of the process.

5 Work Under the Veil with the Help of Representatives for the Vanished Twin Siblings

The client’s intrauterine life is traced from the beginning, when all the siblings were alive in all the sacs that form their Twin System, proceeding forward in the temporal sequence of events until birth.

The client has the opportunity to feel their perceptions, bodily sensations. Gradually, they recognize their belonging to a group of twins, and to a particular twin through whom they identify. They revisit the bonds they had established with them, the empathy for their suffering and disappearance, and the survival mechanisms they adopted.

It is important to understand that the survivor is unable to comprehend death. The more they suffer from the disappearance of their siblings, the abandonment, and exclusion.

There is always a brother/sister whose death causes the interrupted movement.

This is where the constellation facilitator must focus: only by recognizing the pain of the loss of this sibling can the client return to the flow and resume their vital movement. From here, they also return to the flow toward all their other siblings, through empathy and awareness of their fate, which they will now be able to honor.

This phase of the work should be repeated at least three times. The system is very vast, and all the important relationships must emerge.

Similarly, the client must recognize their condition in their sac as related to the others: the gaze they have from theirs toward the other/others will be the gaze they have toward the world. One of the sacs always represents the working world. Additionally, there is always one sac representing escape.

During constellations under the veil, what is on the surface of the client’s soul emerges—corresponding to the last phase experienced in utero where the client has evidently remained ‘stuck’. Therefore, the Orders of Love are observed: belonging, hierarchical order, and the balance between taking and giving.

6. Constellation of the Movement Toward Life

At a certain point in the journey, the client is already in life. Recognizing their siblings and the survival patterns adopted improves the quality of their life, restores oxygen to the body, and thus all the energy necessary to achieve their well-being and goals.

In the final constellation, the client stands before life and makes their vital movement, the movement toward the mother and father.

The first steps of the journey can be taken relatively close together in time.

Since the client works with representatives under the veil, it is best to wait at least six weeks before the next session. The body’s cells are shaken, releasing their memory, changing their composition, and absorbing more oxygen. This biological process – including the elimination of toxins – requires time, which the client may experience with agitation, confusion, intensification of some anxious states, sadness, and anger. Grief closes each phase. Only now does a different awareness emerge. A new awareness is entered, accompanied by more energy provided by the cells, which now process oxygen differently. The client must listen to their body. Only then will they be ready for the next step.

Therefore, it is not necessarily after the first two or three sessions that one feels better. It is a journey that can be very painful at times.

The awareness of having lived a life among substitutes, repeating the automatism of our earliest life experiences, can challenge the relationships we have established with our twin substitutes: parents, partners, children, and work colleagues. I always ask my clients to be very disciplined.

An example for all:

If, in utero, I survived a beloved brother who disappeared, the movement is to follow him. One may observe the client closing their eyes, not moving, sleeping, being apathetic. Many little twins die this way, following the other into death.

From this state, we can be awakened by focusing our attention on another twin who is still alive. The more I focus on this one, the less I feel the absence of the other, though the quality of the bond will be different. I have already learned that the other could go. I will no longer be in the flow; I will be more alert, more vigilant, and controlled.

This vigilant state in utero saves my life.

Often, it will be exactly a substitute for the brother who stayed longer that I will marry. I will look at them the way I looked at my brother in utero, and I will reproach them for not being the other, the one I so loved.

So, when you return home after a session under the veil, please do not tear your partner apart.

Thank you.