Training Offer

Non-formal Education Entity – Association Center for Studies Ad Vitam Geminos

Recognizing the survival mechanisms of the Lone Twin and guiding the client from survival reactions to conscious action in life will be the subject of the training.

Discover the training program

It is emphasized that every training program requires students to first address the dynamics of their own Twin System, and participation in the seminars designed for this purpose will also be considered valid for the training program.

Holistic Practitioner

This program is aimed at those who wish to become professionals in the field of helping relationships and do not yet hold other holistic diplomas, counseling certifications, or university degrees. It will enable all participants to conduct Twin Constellations work under the veils, using cushions, dolls, sticks, and anything useful for carrying out the work.

Professional Counselor

This program is aimed at those who wish to become professionals in the field of helping relationships and do not yet hold other holistic diplomas, counseling certifications, or university degrees. It will enable all participants to conduct Family and Twin Constellation work under the veils, using cushions, dolls, sticks, and representatives useful for carrying out the work.


This program is designed for those who hold a diploma as an Holistic Practitioner, Professional Counselor, or Family Constellations Facilitator. It will enable participants to perform Family and Twin Constellation work, using cushions, dolls, the Stick System, and representatives, along with any tools necessary for the method.

Campus Online

The course will include a brief introduction to the scientific foundations of embryology and the evolution of the human brain. It will explore the basics of Bert Hellinger’s Family Constellations and the Morphogenetic Field of the Twin System – Freni Method. Upon completion, a Certificate of Participation in the Theoretical-Structural Twin Constellations Course – Freni® Method will be awarded.

Trained Students

Twin System and Constellations – Freni® Method

  • Barbara Martinelli
  • Ruocco Anna
  • Battaglia Elisabetta
  • Carchesio Valentina

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